Acts 2:1-4
2 When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And
suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind,
and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
God wants to meet with His people just as much as we want Him to...however, the bible makes it clear the prerequisite for this to happen...
1 - They were in One Place
2 - They were in One Accord
3 - The celebration (opportunity of mass gathering) was in full effect

If a church is every in upheaval, it's because they are not on the same page. This weekend showed me that God's people were on the same page! For 16+ hours, people in the church got together and began to build/remodel our current building! It was hard work, but together, we were able to accomplish this great feat.
I believe with all my heart that the reward for this will be SOULS! In fact, since the rearranging of the sanctuary, we've seen 10 visitors! If you are going to accomplish ALL that God has for you, you must be where He wants you to be. This is usually where He found you!!
'The will of God has an address...' - Joe Campbell (2011)
Have you found your place in His kingdom? Are you ready to do His will, or are you so preoccupied with what you wanna do, it's clouded your mind's ability to discern the voice of God? You will do NOTHING for God if you refuse to bloom where you've been planted...too many are church - hopping, for whatever reason...but I'll tell you plainly, IT'S NOT RIGHT!! What's worse, is people say, 'God spoke to me', you better be careful about putting words in our Lord's mouth!
As a body of believers, we must come together in order to see His gospel spread throughout the land! There are too many Christians filled with their own self-interests, and literally 'Walk Out' of the will of God in order to suit their desires. God help us! We should be winning the world, not soaking in it!
Let Jesus fulfill His will for you > our presumptuous manufacturing will get us into trouble every time...let's build for God!!
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