1st Kings 8: 38 - 40, 'Whatever prayer, whatever supplication is made by anyone, or by all Your people Israel, when each one knows the plague of his own heart, and spreads out his hands towards this temple: then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and give to everyone according to his own ways, whose heart You know, (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men), that they may fear You all the years they live in the land promised to their fathers.'
Prayer is arguably the greatest Christian discipline we possess as the people of God! You can make an argument for Worship, you can make an argument for the Word...communicating with the King of kings? I believe this is the most powerful! We have no audience with the Mayor, Governor, or President of the United States...the One who made all 3, we can speak to anytime we wish!! Powerful.
In the everyday living of a Christian, prayer does many wonderful things to you and for you. First of all, prayer gives you a revelation of who you really are...I'm reminded of Gen. 32: 27 when the Lord asked Jacob...'Tell me your name...' Jacob was pinned down with a dislocated hip! He couldn't wiggle his way out of this prayer meeting!! He had to come to the realization of who he really was; I believe that's when God was able to change his name...can God do this to you?
When you leave your prayer meeting with God...do you walk with a limp? Do you know who you are in Christ? Are you man / woman enough to admit your failures before the God of Asking? How we make things so complicated! Prayer is also designed to gain God's attention! Most of the time, this happens when you align your prayers up with His will...example: Hannah wanted a son, God needed a prophet...
In the New Testament, you have a Ge
ntile who cries out to God and this captures God's attention (Cornelius)...God said that his prayers entered the throne room as a Memorial (Serving to preserve remembrance)...in other words, 'Cornelius, your prayers are something I will never forget!!' Do we capture God's attention or do we spend a lot of time praying for things we could care less about? Jesus help us to pray!

I guess in order to be that fervent effectual person, we need to understand who we're speaking to. We find out the nature of God by way of His Word...once that is established, I trust it'll change your approach to the throne...after all, you're not speaking to a co - worker or sibling, you're speaking to the King! Church, let's get back to prayer...laying a hold of God...do you know what that means?
If someone is walking away from you and you reach out and grab them, stopping their progress in order to turn them towards you in order for them to listen to you...that's laying a hold of them!! This is what we must do to Jesus!! The woman with the issue of blood did this...remember? Jesus said, STOP! I wanna know who 'Touched' Me? Can we touch Jesus Christian? Let's pray.
- Pastor Melrose
Prayer is arguably the greatest Christian discipline we possess as the people of God! You can make an argument for Worship, you can make an argument for the Word...communicating with the King of kings? I believe this is the most powerful! We have no audience with the Mayor, Governor, or President of the United States...the One who made all 3, we can speak to anytime we wish!! Powerful.
In the everyday living of a Christian, prayer does many wonderful things to you and for you. First of all, prayer gives you a revelation of who you really are...I'm reminded of Gen. 32: 27 when the Lord asked Jacob...'Tell me your name...' Jacob was pinned down with a dislocated hip! He couldn't wiggle his way out of this prayer meeting!! He had to come to the realization of who he really was; I believe that's when God was able to change his name...can God do this to you?
When you leave your prayer meeting with God...do you walk with a limp? Do you know who you are in Christ? Are you man / woman enough to admit your failures before the God of Asking? How we make things so complicated! Prayer is also designed to gain God's attention! Most of the time, this happens when you align your prayers up with His will...example: Hannah wanted a son, God needed a prophet...
In the New Testament, you have a Ge
ntile who cries out to God and this captures God's attention (Cornelius)...God said that his prayers entered the throne room as a Memorial (Serving to preserve remembrance)...in other words, 'Cornelius, your prayers are something I will never forget!!' Do we capture God's attention or do we spend a lot of time praying for things we could care less about? Jesus help us to pray!

I guess in order to be that fervent effectual person, we need to understand who we're speaking to. We find out the nature of God by way of His Word...once that is established, I trust it'll change your approach to the throne...after all, you're not speaking to a co - worker or sibling, you're speaking to the King! Church, let's get back to prayer...laying a hold of God...do you know what that means?
If someone is walking away from you and you reach out and grab them, stopping their progress in order to turn them towards you in order for them to listen to you...that's laying a hold of them!! This is what we must do to Jesus!! The woman with the issue of blood did this...remember? Jesus said, STOP! I wanna know who 'Touched' Me? Can we touch Jesus Christian? Let's pray.
- Pastor Melrose
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