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You Must

Exodus 33: 15 - The Moses said to Him, "Lord, if Your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here."

What a powerful time in Killeen TX this past weekend! We were a part of the 2018 Killeen Harvester's Homecoming! It was spectacular! There were wonderful messages from the men of God, awesome testimonies from overseas as well as stateside, and tremendous fellowship and meeting new people.

With all that said, there was one thing in particular that stood out to me I want to share with you...during the times of testimony, we enjoy hearing about what the Lord is doing in various churches and the city where they pastor. One of the nights, a young pastor by the name of Miguel Soliz got up and testified about what God is doing in the city he pastors, (Belton TX).

He spoke of seeing people saved in his church, and he spoke of God moving on hearts as they evangelize, but that's not what shook me...he also spoke of being diagnosed with Diabetes. And he said that God dealt with him to pray and to fast - so he did once a week, for a few weeks.

After a while, God dealt with him to take it to another level, so he fasted 3 days a week for a month or so! Impressive, but that is not what caught my attention's when he begin to speak on the fact that he did not want to live off of medication due to his recent illness...he said, and I quote - "Lord, I do not want to live this way for the rest of my life...'YOU HAVE TO HEAL ME!'

When he said that, it really spoke to my heart concerning my own faith because I didn't perceive this man being flippant or charging God foolishly, what I heard was desperate faith!! Lord, You have to heal me! It wasn't a last optioned prayer - it came from the foundation of, 'Lord, You're the only option I am taking! You must come through for me, there is no other recourse!!'

I'm telling you, it stirred my faith and I literally came alive with a new found boldness for God and what He can do! I called that pastor later and expressed my gratitude for his testimony and his honesty - I want to encourage you to step out in faith, and become desperate for Him! Lord, You have to do this______(Fill in the blank)...let God be God!!

Believe for the impossible because all things are possible with God!!


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