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God Can Move

1st Peter 5: 6-7, "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you."

I give God all the glory for what He is doing in our lives. It's a beautiful thing to see the hand of God at work; it's one thing to talk about it, it's quite another to actually see Him at work!

When was the last time, you spoke things by faith and then watched them unfold? Do you remember? Or, has it been a little too long since you've spoken by faith? There must be an element of humility at work in order to see what you're believing Him for.

As a child of God, you have been blessed with a powerful gift - the gift of CHOICE. You choose your own destiny in Christ, you also choose whether or not you're going to walk in victory. This wonderful gift salvation was given to you, but since then, what have you done with that gift?

The Lord wants to raise you up, but He will not compete with your pride, nor will He compete with your unbelief. It's your choice.

Life has a way of bringing us to the end of ourselves. Somewhere, you're going to have to give it all over to the Lord and allow Him to handle things that are beyond your control. Outside of that - you're going to serve Him on shear will power, and the devil will see to it, that you will not be able to last.

The real sad reality about that situation is, out of trying to serve God on your own power - it will breed frustration and you'll end up blaming God for your decision to be religious and rebellious. Let God be God in all things of life.

2nd Corinthians 9:8 - "And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."

This is what we need people, ALL GRACE ABOUNDING! The Lord can and will truly move on our behalf when we come to the conclusion that He is in control and everything is going to be alright by Him, and Him alone! When we are weak, He is strong! Let the Lord move!!


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