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You Move, He Meets

"Do more than belong, participate. Do more than care, help. Do more than believe, practice. Do more than be fair, be kind. Do more than forgive, forget. Do more than dream, work."
- William Arthur Ward

The currency of the world causes things to be bought or sold, ownership, transactions, etc. The same is true with our faith in the Kingdom of God...our currency is FAITH.
This stirs the Lord to act on our behalf. However, know this, nothing happens until we move.

Proverbs 13:4 - "The lazy desire, yet have nothing..." 

You can want all you want to, but until you put forth an effort, your desires many times will go unnoticed and unheard. Unbelief is attached to the stationary, the immovable...we must go forward, in order to see the hand of God move on our behalf.

Exodus 14: 10-16 speaks of the children of Israel facing terrible odds, as the armies of Egypt were bearing down upon them...The key to the scripture however, is found in verses 15 and 16. Moses did what any of us would do, that is cry out to God...however, God responded by saying to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me?" Tell the people to go forward...see, God knew that once the people had faith to go into the sea, He would do the impossible for them!

This can be said of all of us. When we make up our minds to go forward, the Lord begins to move in the supernatural for us, and do things we can never explain...

It's time to make your move.


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