James 4: 13 - 14, 'Come now you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit." You simply do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.'
When James asks this pointed question, (What is your life?), it gives the impression that he's asking, 'Who do you think you are?' Let me ask you, do you really think that you're going to out-live God? Do you really think you're going to outsmart Him? So many of us think we can pull one over on our Creator??!! Good Luck!
How do you live your life? What are you doing with the time you have on this earth? One thing is for sure, you are not guaranteed another moment...therefore, it is to our advantage that we live our lives according to the plan and purpose of God.
Many believers and non-believers live without God. Isn't that interesting? It's amazing how many of God's children make everyday critical living decisions without considering the will of God! We call people like this 'Atheists' - that term literally means, "Without God" We would be absolutely offended if someone came up to us and called us an atheist! "How dare you call me that, I love God!" We would probably say, but if you really take an honest estimation of your life, you will find, that many of the decisions you make in life, you never even thought about what God had to say!
The truth still remains, we cannot live our lives outside of the influence and presence of God...you can deny this all you want, it doesn't change the facts. So having said this, what do we need to do? Well, first off, we need to acknowledge God and His purpose for our lives, then we need to investigate His word and figure out what those purposes are for us individually.
Acts 9: 6 - 'Lord, what do you want me to do?'
This is what Saul (Converted to Paul), asked God on the road to Damascus. This is the epitome of Repentance...when you're saved and delivered, this is the type of question you tend to ask God > Lord, what is Your will? Not, 'Lord, what's in it for me?'

Acts 17: 28, 'In Him we live, we move, and have our being...'
My counsel is to draw close to God, find His will for your life, and pursue it with all you have, and with all that you are. Don't waste your life on things that simply do not matter! Time is slowly becoming an enemy...make sure that you're lined up with the King of kings, and Lord of lords.
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