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What do you Value?

Romans 8: 1 - 8 '...for to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace...'

This portion of scripture deals with 2 great entities...the flesh, and the spirit.  These are constantly at war within us all the time.  What's interesting is that God doesn't really give us a third or fourth option!  He tells us plainly that we are either in the camp of one or the other.  

What I've come to realize is the bedrock of this text has a lot to do about value systems.  What we hold dear to our hearts is usually the champion of our personality and character going forward.  There are several things to consider on this vein of thinking.

First of all, in a retail store or anything of that sort, you have various items, but the materials inside do not hold or share the same value; some things are more expensive than others...I can only surmise that the pricing is different because the importance of said item is also different...or, more valuable.  Not to deviate too much, but shouldn't the value be relative?  After all, what's valuable to you may not be valuable to me...but anyway...I digress

Over time, we've come to accept this truth...some things are more valuable than others...for example, a brand new truck should cost more than a meal at McDonald's.  I guess you need to ask yourself, 'why?'  Then sort that out on your own.  Going just a little deeper, we can begin to evaluate things that we hold dear to our hearts - then compare them to what we invest in during the time of advertisement!

Sales forces know how to create needs, bring forth tempting presentation, they also understand how to stimulate our senses and draw us in...realize with me, SO DOES THE DEVIL!  He can use our circumstances and our weaknesses against us...look at Esau for example:

Genesis 25: 32 - '...and Esau said, 'Look I'm about to die, what is this birthright to me?'

His birthright, aka his 'future', wasn't as important at the time...he allowed his present circumstances dictate his do we.

Ask yourself, 'What do I value?'  Really, what is important in your life?  If your relationship with   God is so important, why do you place so little value on spending time with Him?  Why is it more important to entertain yourself rather than read His word, or worship Him for example.

I know from personal experience that what you place value on in life will bless or curse you.  Let God be the center of your values, you'll see things in a whole new light, and solidify a godly legacy!

- Pastor Melrose


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